lemons,lemon, citrus

LEMON is one of the marbles of the earth; a wonderful alkalizing beverage; a pain reliever; and with the addition of tupelo honey, a cough suppressant. Upon arising drink the juice of one lemon that has water added to it that equals a half a cup. Additionally throughout the day have a hot lemon drink. Naringenin in citrus fruits diminishes cyst development.Try to make a habit of drinking cups of hot lemon daily. A lemon slice in mineral water is beneficial; a squeeze of lime in pineapple juice; or a drizzle of fresh lime over ripe papaya. Here is a lemon egg recipe a home made calcium citrate recipe. Myer lemons are a cross between tangerines and lemons and their taste is unusually sweet and nice.

↑ super alkaline
↓ kidney stone formation
↓ PLD pain
↓ cough