
NONYLPHENOL is a strong endocrine disruptor, xenoestrogen, due to its ability to act with estrogen-like activity from Pentachlorophenol, Alkylphenols, BPA, plastic, bisphenols. Diet seems the most significant source of nonylphenol exposure. It is seen in water, sewage; it has the potential for liver kidney cyst growth. One study conducted in Italian women showed that nonylphenol was one of the highest contaminants at a concentration of 32 ng/mL in breast milk when compared to other alkyl phenols. The study found a positive correlation between fish consumption and the concentration of nonylphenol in breast milk. This is a large problem because breast milk is the main source of nourishment for newborns, who are in early stages of development where hormones are very influential. Elevated levels of endocrine disruptors in breast milk have been associated with negative effects on neurological development, growth, memory function.