
SOY edamame, soy milk, tofu, soy lecithin, tempe, soy sauce, tamari, all are made from soy.
↑ Liver cysts grow
↑ Interfers Thyroid functioning
↑ Estrogen disruptor
↑ Creates sterility
↑ Infants testicles not descend
↑ Risk of developing breast cancer
↑ Risk for prostate cancer
↑ Soy is top 10 allergic foods
↑ Phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine
Food allergy research has shown that the some individuals that have a negative reaction to soy are reacting to soy protein found in soybeans. Soy oil and soy lecithin do not contain soy protein. Because of this, some individuals are able to consume soy oil and soy lecithin without an allergic reaction but it still can cause PLD cysts to grow.